Friday, October 11, 2013

What is Juggling?

Before we really start to learn how to juggle it is super important to understand what is juggling in general.
Be open for other kind of juggling type and not on a specific one

Juggling Definition
Many jugglers still divided on the exact definition of juggling. So I opened few dictionaries and I came to this two overall conclusions:
1." juggling is everything you toss and catch"
2. "Juggling is a manipulation making or dealing with few things simultaneously"

Type of instruments:
This is how I chose to divide the types of juggling instruments:
(hats, cigar box, flair bartending, juggling balls, juggling clubs ,rings and scarf ) 
Tossing different instrument in the air and catching them, this is the most basic and popular juggling people know because it answer the exact detention I wrote above and also People associate tossing juggling with jugglers in the circus.
Learning classic juggling is based on a certain technique that we can implement and adjust in every instrument in this category (balls, clubs). Learning to juggle demands a lot of patient but most of all good guidance.

(Poi, swing sticks, staff)
everything you spin around your body and making different manipulation with it, many old fashion juggler will hate me for even considering this as juggling but it also answer the definition! And today many talented swing jugglers toss the swing instruments like they were a part of the classic juggling category.
What I love about swing juggling is that it's more comfortable to move and dance with it. It is essential to free your mind and really let your body flow with the instrument that way the patterns will be smoother

(chinese plate, devil stick, diabolo)
Juggling with instruments that were invented by creative people. This is my favorite kind of juggling because every instrument has its own thing and demands on gaining different kind of physical skills.

Type of juggling:
Through the years jugglers came with different kind of schools in juggling, 
Tossing object - the basic purpose of juggling - tossing. The juggler learn how to toss different objects
Number - tossing as many objects as possible in the air, this juggling is known for everyone because it is the easiest way to estimate a juggler. But it's not the only way.
Trick - learning different kind of tricks with the same amount of instruments, the goal is to really master the movement and the tricks, there are professional jugglers that can do tricks with 3 balls (trick) that jugglers who juggle with 7 balls (number) can't do! These are two different type of juggling skills!
Performance – performing with juggling demands strong knowledge with performing arts and how to display a tricks in the best way, for example, there are tricks that are very hard to do but the audience won't understand their complexity so it will be better not to do them also there us a huge important of the angle the juggler stand in certain tricks.
Contact - using the contact of the instrument and our body to manipulate the viewer.
Sport – using juggling as a gymnastic for training and also cmpeting

I hope you enjoyed reading this post,
See you in the next post!

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